26 Year Later
I just came to see NY for 10 days, then now 26 years extension..
Before NY, I had lived in France for a few years, I loved France, specially French movies. I watched many French movies to learn French.. just sit in the cafe, smoking cigarettes a pack or 2.. (horrible) watching people and etc.. everything were perfect for me..
one day, my mother called me to let me know as my sister would have wedding. Of course I went back to Japan for her celebration then my plan was simply going back to Paris. However, I went to NY just to see somewhere not France . I had fun like from the day one, I had fun, fun like no time to sit at the cafe.
I quit smoking, walked a lot, worked a lot studied a lot, no time for siting at the cafe and watching people in NY...
Now I think what would have happened if I had returned to Paris 26 years ago..
to be continue...
ある日母親から、姉が結婚すると連絡があり、泣く泣く日本へ帰国。その後はまたフランスへ戻るつもりだった けど、写真をやっていた私に、姉がNYに行って見たらどうかと提案が。。面倒だなとは思ったものの、いざNYへ。。